
Top tips on attending networking events


Here are six top tips to make the most out of networking events. These don’t just apply to our own series of networking events – but to any others that you may go to as well. Happy networking everyone!


1) Be clear on your goal

When you attend a networking event, it’s important to be clear on what your goal is. Generally speaking, this goal will fall into one of three categories:


1) To find a network of support for you and your life as a business owner. Perhaps you need someone who also wants to co-work or to be a sounding board for ideas.

2) To find someone who provides a service you need. This might be a photographer for a brand shoot or a virtual assistant to lighten your workload.

3) To find more people to use your services, i.e. you’re looking to sell to people. If that’s the case, make sure you’re clear on exactly who would benefit from what you have to offer.

You can’t know whether the networking event was a ‘success’ for you, unless you have a goal by which to measure that by.


2) Leave contact details

Make sure you attend networking events armed with a way that people can get in touch with you afterwards. This could be a business card, or leaflet – but it could also be utilising things like the QR code to your LinkedIn.

You may want to be more imaginative about this – could you leave people with a sample of your work, or a fun fact about your business niche, that also has your number / email attached?

Burton Road Event - 10.11.2022

3) Arrive at the event in good time

Being prompt makes a good impression at the start of the event and is where some of the best collaborations are made. There are two guest speakers at the events I run, so if you miss that initial chunk of networking then you’ve missed the window when first impressions are made by other attendees. Plan to get there a little early so you’re feeling relaxed and at your best.

4) Think about presentation

How you present yourself at a networking event can help you feel more confident and enables you to make the best possible impression on others. That doesn’t mean you have to wear a suit! Smart- casual is fine for most networking events these days (although it’s worth checking the event description!) For my own events, I’d always encourage you to prioritise comfort and something that you feel your most outgoing in. Think: comfy shoes and your favourite colours.

5) Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you need support for your business, or in your work then never be afraid to ask for it at networking events. Even if it’s not something the person you’re chatting with is able to do, then they may well know someone. I once went to a networking event where one of my goals was to find a salsa instructor and was amazed by how many people had recommendations.

6) Know what you have to offer

Be very clear on what you have to offer other attendees. If everyone attends a networking event hoping to get something out of it, but not willing to give anything in exchange – then everyone will come away disappointed. Whereas, if everyone attends the event, keen to let people know how they can help, then everyone will come away with something of use to them.

You can keep an eye on upcoming events HERE and get in touch at burton.road.network@gmail.com or @burton_road if you have any questions.

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