
My Five Fave Interviews



It has been the most enormous fun getting to meet such incredible locals and business owners over the course of the past eighteen months. There is such a sense of community along Burton Road. I’ve discovered that people with a passion project or business, often have multiple satellite projects they’re working on – and it’s been such a pleasure learning more about them. Other people really are the best source of inspiration.

I’ve enjoyed each and every interview but, for different reasons, there are five that particularly stand out for me…



#1 Emily @lobsterhousestudios

Have you ever walked along Burton Road admiring the beautiful artwork on the windows? It’s a solid bet that it was done by Emily who owns and runs Lobster House Studios. Emily was the very first person I interviewed on Burton Road, and it doesn’t get much more memorable than that.


#2 Mark & Neil @withypublichall

Withington Public Hall is everything that was missing from Burton Road without us even realising. Their range of comedy evenings, quiz nights, local food, mental health groups, creative classes… never disappoint. By sheer coincidence, the venue was launching just as the Instagram account was getting going and they kindly invited me along to try some local beer and pizza.


#3 Chris @redplanetfarms

Chris is a truly entrepreneurial man and an inspiration when it comes to innovative food growing techniques. He runs Manchester’s first vertical farming start-up, growing microgreens all year round (and I can testify first hand that they taste fantastic!). No one can accuse Chris of not thinking big – as he’s already planning ahead for space travel.


#4 Penny @tasteofhoneym20

If you haven’t been to Taste of Honey yet, then you are missing out!! They even have a ‘secret garden’ at the back – perfect for parties or local events. Penny is one of the warmest, most welcoming people I’ve met, and she does SO much to support other local businesses. When I first interviewed her, she sent me away with a delicious hamper of food from all their brilliant stockists.


#5 Len @len_grant

Len is the latest person I had the pleasure of interviewing on Burton Road. His distinctive sketches and brilliant story telling style are instantly recognisable. Very excitingly, he has a book all about Burton Road coming out later this year, you can find all the details HERE


Who else should I interview? If you have any ideas about someone, you’d like to learn more about (or if you yourself would like to be interviewed!) please do pop a message across to @burton_road or burton.road.network@gmail.com There’s absolutely no cost involved! For businesses, I just ask to try whatever it is you’re selling / offering, so that I can offer honest recommendations to other locals.


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