
Multisensory gift boxes: the perfect Christmas present


How did you learn about making candles?

I started my masters degree in 2020 and I was lucky enough to use my studies to develop my product range, brand and concept, getting everything ready to launch my business when I graduated. I spent 2 years researching how to make the best quality candles you can possibly get, whilst only using 100% natural ingredients. Before I started my masters I knew nothing about making candles.

So, everything I know now is completely self taught from testing and using websites, blogs, books, conducting interviews, even reading medical and scientific journals – you name it, I’ve read it! It was a really long process testing millions of different combinations of essential oils, vessels made from various materials, trying out lots of natural waxes, and experimenting with wicks sizes and types. It was the hardest I’ve ever worked, but it was also incredibly rewarding and I couldn’t be prouder of what I’ve created.


What made you want to set up your own business?

I had spent 3 years working in a sales job and whilst I enjoyed my time there, I always knew it wasn’t the right path for me. I’ve always been driven by my creativity and had an entrepreneurial spirit too, but I just never knew where to use it. Over the years I’d lost all confidence in my abilities and hadn’t been using my creativity at all. Then 2020 happened! The year that turned my life upside down. There was the pandemic, I was made redundant during lockdown, and my dad also passed away from cancer. I really struggled and ended up suffering with severe anxiety and depression.

I sought help and started a course of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), where I learned a mindfulness technique which engaged all five of the senses and helped treat my symptoms. I found the technique really useful, but also monotonous after a while. That was my lightbulb moment. I thought about how I could engage all five of my senses in a more fun and enjoyable way to make sure I continued with the routine that I found so helpful. By this time I’d also started my masters, so I explored the idea of how to create multisensory products designed for use within a mindfulness routine, and ended up creating an entire concept for my brand too. In 2022 I graduated with my brand and products ready to launch, so I took the leap, and on the day of my degree show I officially launched my business. It’s been none stop ever since!


What can people expect from your candles & melts?

You can expect an entire multisensory experience when you buy one of my products. Every candle, wax melt, and box of loose leaf tea comes with a specially curated playlist which matches the wellbeing theme. My 30cl candles also come with a seed bomb to plant in the handmade vessel once your candle is finished, so you can grow a plant which also matches the theme. The experience really doesn’t end when the candle ends. You can also expect the highest premium quality handmade product, made with only 100% natural ingredients and never any nasty chemicals.

What would you most like people to know about your business?

Everything I sell is handmade, eco-responsible, and 100% natural! My candles and melts are not just handpoured by me, but I do everything in between too. I create my own essential oil blends, I make and hand paint all of my candle vessels, I curate the playlists, I designed the packaging, and I even make the seed bombs by hand, it really is a labour of love. Using natural ingredients is so important to me too. As part of my research, I found so many brands falsely claiming their products are 100% natural just because they use a natural wax.

What most brands fail to mention is the synthetic fragrances that make up 10% of the product, which contain all kinds of artificial chemicals. I will only ever use the finest pure essential oils to fragrance my products, blended with coconut wax and responsibly sourced soy wax. It’s the only way to ensure that you’re not breathing in any nasty chemicals which could potentially harm your health. Another false claim many brands make is regarding aromatherapy benefits. If it a brand isn’t using essential oils, the claims are lies! You can only get aromatherapy benefits from essential oils!

When should people order to have gifts in time for Christmas?

Postal services have been less than reliable over the past few years in the run up to Christmas. I’d say, get your Christmas orders in as soon as possible to avoid any delays! I’ll be working really hard over Christmas to get your orders out and I’m always willing to do what I can to get orders to you in time for the big day, even if it means local drop offs or customers collecting from me personally. But ideally get your orders in no later than the week before Christmas to be safe.