Why is interior design so important?
Interior designers have the very difficult job of planning out how people are going to interact with a space in the most comfortable way possible, which includes understanding the psychology of how people move and act around objects, surfaces and even other people.
– Most people enter a shop and turn right, as most people are right handed.
– People react to smells by instinct, not conscious thought.
– If the lighting is too harsh or bright, people don’t want to spend too long in that area.
– If the music is loud and fast it puts off older crowds and attracts a younger demographic.
These are just a few basic examples of things that interior designers have to consider based on human psychology that can really affect the end result. If an interior isn’t right it can have physically detrimental effects on health and mental wellbeing of those not just visiting these spaces but staff who are working in them.
It’s a complicated mix of public and private spaces that need to be comfortable for the user regardless of whether that user is a guest or an employee, both need to be accommodated and both need to use the space comfortably without risk to themselves.
Ultimately though, without designers we would live in a very boring plain world.
What do you most want people to know about you / how you work?
I’m very relaxed as a designer, it’s a very subjective field and my job is to make sure that what a client sees in their head is A- Deliverable and B- Compliant with regulation. Or if I get the freedom to design what and how I want, that the design relates to the brief I have been given and fits with the brand, building, historic location etc.
I love what I do and basically get the opportunity to use a hobby to generate my own lifestyle and income now. I’ll work around my client’s schedule as much as I can as the freedom of self employment and the subjective nature of the job means I might have an idea at 11pm on a Saturday night or 10am Wednesday morning, it’s not a 9-5. I’m also not restricted by geography, having worked from Scotland right down to London and everywhere in between.
How can people get in touch & work with you?